Philip Stopford Printed Scores

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  • … from the first word, I was riveted.Editor’s Choice, Organists’ Review, August 2006
  • he has … created music which has tremendous unity and soulEditor’s Choice, Organists’ Review, August 2006
  • Stopford’s music is sonorous and well crafted, demonstrating a keen ear and an insider’s knowledge of choral textures. American Record Guide, Jan/Feb 2006
  • for the works of a man so young (b.1977) to easily fill two discs is an achievement in itself; to be fortunate to have a top-notch choir to bring the works such polished performances is an added bonus. Organists’ Review, May 2008
  • a fresh, heart-warming and significant addition to the vast library of Christmas CDs! Organists’ Review, February 2010
  • He has taken many texts you will know well and given them a new treatment, usually an improvement over the original. His two-minute ‘God So Loved The World’ is the equal of any.The American Organist, July 2007
  • Firstly, Stopford has a gift for melodies that reflect the mood and subtleties of the text; and secondly, his music is immediately accessible.Organists’ Review, May 2008
  • Classic FM listeners and their American friends may have found a new compositional
  • Philip Stopford has emerged as a popular and prolific writer of new choral music and is in wide demand on both sides of the Atlantic. His beautifully-crafted music combines uplifting texts with memorable melodies and glorious harmonies. Choirs will enjoy singing the music of Philip Stopford, audiences enjoy hearing it and worshippers should find much of it to be a blessing. What's not to like?
  • Stopford’s accessible and endearing church anthems are heard here in specially orchestrated versions, played and sung with tenderness.BBC Music December 2017
  • The composer has been extremely clever by orchestrating many of the pieces, and he’s made an excellent job of it.Choir and Organ, Jan/Feb 2018
  • The performances are excellent.... Fans of Stopford’s music will be delighted.American Record Guide, January 2018
  • Stopford has a genuine melodic gift, his music displays fine craftsmanship and, crucially, he communicates directly with the listener.MusicWeb, April 2018
  • His harmonic language is uncomplicated and his choral writing beautifully crafted. Also, the simple majesty of his The Spirit of the Lord is, for me, just as profoundly moving as Elgar’s composition.Gramophone, August 2013
  • I was fortunate enough to be present when this recording was made, and it was immediately obvious that even in the company of the other wonderful works on this CD this was an outstanding piece [In My Father's House] - so very moving, and a divinely perfect setting for some of the most beautiful and significant words and sentiments of the Christian Canon. I am not a Christian, or indeed a believer, but if there were any one thing that might inspire me to become one it would be this.Andrew Longfield, Lyricist

Philip Stopford
18 Clipstone Crescent
Leighton Buzzard
United Kingdom

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